Notice is hereby given that applications from eligible organizations interested in applying for Phase 41 FEMA Funding will be received on behalf of the Camden County FEMA Board of Directors by CPAC: The Community Planning and Advocacy Council (CPAC). These funds are available to provide services for people in Camden County.
Camden County has been awarded $269,026 in funds under Phase 41 of the Emergency Food and Shelter National Program (EFSP). Under the terms of the National Board, agencies/organizations that chose to receive funds must 1) be non-profit, 2) have an established accounting system, 3) practice non-discrimination, 4) have demonstrated the capacity to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs and 5) if they are a non-profit or voluntary organization, they must have a voluntary board. Qualified organizations are urged to apply.
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled virtually via Zoom for Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 12 noon. Join by clicking on:
Zoom Meeting ID: 812 5155 9574, Passcode: CamdenFEMA
Or, dial in by one tap mobile: +13092053325,,81251559574#,,,,*3763504955#
The Request for Proposal will be available as of Monday, April 1, 2024, to be downloaded from CPAC’s website at after 12:00 pm. Completed proposals are due no later than 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
For further information, contact Dr. Adela Ames-Lopez, Director of Operations, CPAC at 856-663-3998 ext. 222 or